

Covivio S.A. maintains control of Central Sicaf with 51% of the shareholding. Two foreign institutional investors control the remaining shares: EDF (24,50%) and PREDICA (24,50%).

The Governance system

Central Sicaf adopts the traditional system of administration and control. The governance structure also provides for the Board of Directors to set up the following advisory committees:

  • Remuneration Committee
  • Investment Committee
Governance structure

The Board of Directors is composed of 9 members who will remain in charge until the shareholders’ meeting called to approve the financial statements as at 31 December 2024.

  • O. Estève (Chairman)
  • M. Bignami (Chief Executive Officer)
  • A. Dal Pastro (Director)
  • D. Percoco (Independent Director)
  • M. Leone (Independent Director)
  • P. Berrin (Director)
  • C. Vaccaro (Director)
  • M. Arlot (Director)
  • E. Chabas (Director)

The Remuneration Committee is composed of 3 Directors in charge until the expiry of the mandate of the Board of Directors:

  • D. Percoco (Chairman)
  • P. Berrin
  • M. Arlot

The Investment Committee, which has advisory functions under the Articles of Association, consists of 3 members:

  • B. Pivetta
  • A. Oudni
  • H. Grimaldi

The Company has appointed a Supervisory Body, with a sole member, with a mandate equal to that of the Board of Directors.

  • M. Dell’Antonia

Board of Statutory Auditors consists of:

  • M. Bortolomiol (President)
  • E. Rollino (Standing Auditor)
  • B. Cavalieri (Standing Auditor)
  • S. Molino (Alternate Auditor)
  • G. Cerati (Alternate Auditor)
Organisational Model 231

The Company has adopted a model of organisation of management and control pursuant to Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, n . 231 (Organisational Model 231), consisting of a general section, a special section, as well as the sanctions system.

Ethics Charter

Download Central Sicaf’s Ethics Charter in PDF format.


The Company has adopted an internal procedure on whistleblowing; you can find a summary version here for information purposes only.

If you want to make a report click here:


DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 3, 4, 5 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (the so-called “SFDR”).

This communication aims to illustrate the choices made by the Company as expressly required by Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 (the “SFDR”) regarding sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector, specifically with regard to:
information on the company’s policies for integrating sustainability risks into investment decision-making processes and the provision of advisory services (Article 3 SFDR);
information on whether the Company considers or does not consider the principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (Article 4 SFDR);
information on how the Company has aligned its remuneration policy with the objectives of managing sustainability risks (Article 5 SFDR).

Central Sicaf intends to adhere to the global framework for sustainable development defined on 25 September 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly, directing its investment choices towards sustainable development goals.
Central Sicaf applies the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles and criteria adopted by Covivio, as detailed in the Covivio ESG Strategy adopted by the latter and accessible through the link provided.
In the course of its activities, taking into account its own characteristics and those of the owned real estate portfolio, the Company continues its ongoing process of adhering to responsible finance principles and approaches its management activities by promoting, whenever possible, and adopting gradual metrics that take into account ESG impacts, with particular regard to the quality, characteristics, and preservation of the owned real estate portfolio.

In this regard, the Company has established a risk policy that will be subject to periodic updates and evolution, including in terms of risk models, taking into account the ESG profiles (as well as applicable legislation, including regulatory provisions), while considering and being consistent with its own characteristics, including management policies, the size and nature of the real estate portfolio.

Regarding how the Company considers potential adverse impacts of its investment decisions on ESG factors (Article 4 of EU Regulation 2019/2088), the Company has decided to adopt an “explain” approach in considering the principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions on ESG factors.
In this regard, the Company communicates that, currently, the management policy guidelines do not include any investments.

In addition to the above, the Company also represents that, at present, it is not possible to identify, prioritize, and objectively measure the principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions, if any, on sustainability factors (e.g., environmental issues, social issues related to personnel, respect for human rights, and issues concerning active and passive corruption), given the lack of specific indicators and metrics to assess their likelihood, intensity, and potential irreversibility.

Considering the above, the Company reserves the right to evaluate a different approach in this matter if the investment management policy were to change, while also clarifying necessary regulatory and interpretive aspects.
The Company will provide timely updates on this matter.

Marco Bignami

Marco Bignami ricopre il ruolo di Amministratore Delegato della Central SICAF S.p.A. Marco ha conseguito la laurea in Ingegneria gestionale presso il Politecnico di Milano e un Master in Real Estate presso la SDA Bocconi e ha un’esperienza pluriennale nel settore del Real Estate.
Marco è entrato in Beni Stabili SIIQ (ora Covivio) nel 2007 e dal 2009 ha ricoperto il ruolo di Responsabile del Business Development (Investimenti e Disinvestimenti), occupandosi sia della dismissione degli asset “maturi” o non strategici, sia dell’acquisizione di asset al fine d’incrementare, nel medio/lungo periodo, la redditività e la qualità del portafoglio.
Nello stesso periodo è stato Amministratore Delegato della Beni Stabili (ora Covivio) Real Estate Advisory S.r.l. per la gestione di progetti speciali.
Da novembre 2013 a luglio 2015 è stato Amministratore Delegato della Npls Re Solutions, joint venture paritetica fra Beni Stabili SIIQ (ora Covivio) e Gruppo Gabetti per la gestione e il recupero dei Non Performing Loans.
Precedentemente, Marco ha lavorato in Aedes S.p.A. con responsabilità nelle attività di sviluppo immobiliare e delle relative joint ventures.

Paola Gonnella

Paola Gonnella è entrata a far parte di Central SICAF S.p.A. nel 2017 con il ruolo di Chief Financial Officer.
Responsabile Tesoreria e Finanze, Paola è entrata nel Gruppo Beni Stabili (ora Covivio) dopo altri incarichi in diverse società industriali. 
Ha una forte esperienza nel settore bancario e nella gestione dei prestiti all’interno del mercato immobiliare.

Giovanni Dellepiane

Giovanni Dellepiane ricopre il ruolo di Analista Finanziario della Central SICAF S.p.A.. Giovanni ha conseguito la laurea in Economia e Gestione Aziendale presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano.
Giovanni è entrato in Central SICAF nel 2018 ed in precedenza ha lavorato presso una primaria società di revisione contabile oltre che nella Direzione Finanziaria di un’importante azienda di trasporti.

Leonardo Divincenzo
Real Estate Asset & Transaction Manager

Leonardo Divincenzo fa parte del team di Asset Management di Covivio S.A. dal 2019 e si occupa della gestione strategica ed operativa del portafoglio di Central SICAF S.p.A.
Leonardo ha conseguito la laurea in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura e la specializzazione in Gestione del Costruito presso il Politecnico di Milano. Successivamente, ha partecipato all’Executive Master in Finance – Track Real Estate della SDA Bocconi.
Leonardo ha lavorato precedentemente presso primarie società nel campo della consulenza e dei servizi immobiliari.

Greta Pede

Greta Pede ricopre il ruolo di corporate affair specialist delle Central SICAF S.p.A.. 
Laureata in giurisprudenza presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca a conclusione del Corso di dottorato in diritto d’impresa presso l’Università Bocconi di Milano.
Greta ha lavorato come avvocato presso primari Studi legali internazionali e nazionali a Milano.